Sex Therapy

Sex therapy clients cuddling, enhancing intimacy and communication in their relationship

Sex therapy helps individuals and couples address sexual concerns and improve their sexual health.

A licensed therapist provides a supportive and confidential environment to discuss and work through various issues, including low libido, sexual dysfunctions, and relationship problems. Sex therapy can help enhance sexual satisfaction, communication, and overall well-being.


Frequently asked questions


What is sex therapy?

Sex therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on addressing sexual concerns or issues. It can help individuals and couples improve sexual communication, overcome sexual dysfunction, and enhance sexual satisfaction.

What kinds of issues can sex therapy help with?

Sex therapy can help with a wide range of sexual concerns, including erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido, painful intercourse, and difficulties with sexual orientation or identity. It can also address issues related to sexual trauma, communication, and intimacy.

How does sex therapy work?

Sex therapy typically involves exploring the underlying factors contributing to sexual concerns and developing strategies to address them. This may include behavioral exercises, communication skills, and education about sexual anatomy and function.


Will my therapist judge me for my sexual concerns?

No, sex therapists are trained to provide a non-judgmental and supportive environment for individuals and couples to explore their sexual concerns. They are focused on helping you achieve your goals and improve your sexual health and well-being.

How long does sex therapy last?

The length of sex therapy varies depending on your specific concerns and goals. Some individuals or couples may benefit from just a few sessions, while others may attend therapy for several months or even years. Your therapist can help you determine the length of therapy that's right for you.

Will my therapist prescribe medication for sexual concerns?

Sex therapists are not medical doctors and cannot prescribe medication. However, they may work collaboratively with your physician or refer you to a medical specialist if necessary.


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